1.- We have to register whit our real personal details, because we want to have the real directions when will sent the stuff right? In the number of phone we must put the code of our contry and the sate. Ex. for Chile 56 - 2 - xxxxxx. Cel phone 56 - 9 - xxxxx.
2.- When we succes the register, we are in Lockerz!
It's easy, now we can get Pointz at Lockerz to get some prizes like Wii, Xbox, Ipod, Macbook, DVD of Series, etc. Do you believe me? Then some pic and vid of true examples:

I hope this post motivate to you to tell me about invitation. If you need some invitations let me a coment whit your email in the chat or in this post, also you always can speak whit me at MSN, Skype or Twitter.
Regards and Enjoy Lockerz
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